Key products



FlameTech conducts Up-to-date Technology Solutions
and provides Business Development Service in diverse fields

Fintech Software Solutions

FlameTech provides solutions for partners in terms of:

  • Yana DBS | Digital Banking Solution

  • Yana POS | POS Solution

  • Yana STM/ATM | STM/ATM Solution

  • Yana 3S | Banking Self Service Solution

  • Yana PGS | Payment Gateway Solution

Digital Transformation Solutions

FlameTech provides smart devices that apply modern technology and help to improve user experiences:

  • Yana F&B | FnB Software Solution

  • QRID | QR Software as a Service

  • Yana IoT | Smart Devices & IoT Solution

Outsourcing Service

FlameTech offers customized outsourcing services in different fields:

  • F&B

  • EBS

  • Ed

  • IoT

  • ERP Solution

  • Industrial Service

Website Business Solutions

FlameTech builds a Website – Landing Page for partners in term of:
  • Customized to your request
  • Multi-industries
  • Website has been optimized for UX/UI
  • SEO-standard website
  • Coded with many features

Business Development Service

FlameTech facilitates the connection of South East Asian partners in business development, market research, and global marketing of their products in Vietnamese market:

  • Yana BD | New Market Development

  • Yana BD | Sales Channel Digitalization Development

One Point Store

FlameTech provides a diverse range of convenient products and services:
  • Enterprise Web-App Services

  • Mica QR Code Standee

  • Luxury Gift Set

  • Interior Decoration Service Package

  • Comprehensive Marketing Services

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